All the study/practice materials for the Quant Marathon are accessible online and constantly updated in the ARPM Lab , the most complete materials for advanced Data Science and Quantitative Finance:
Upon completing the courses of the Quant Marathon and the two Practical Projects of the ARPM Certification (included in the Quant Marathon), you qualify for lifetime access to the ARPM Lab.
You can switch in and out of Self-Paced mode and Class mode, without compromising on the live teaching and support, see Delivery.
By enrolling in the Quant Marathon, you are entitled to attend (virtually or in New York) the six-day Quant Bootcamp, which provides an overview of the same topics.
The Quant Bootcamp provides a quick, intense tour of the topics covered in greater depth in the Quant Marathon, covering the same topics as the Quant Marathon in only six days, rather than in six one-semester courses.
Quant Marathon | Quant Bootcamp | |
Topics | Same: Probabilistic Machine Learning and Quant Finance | |
Depth | Detail | Overview |
Format | Six courses, one semester each | One course, 4+2 days |
Audience | STEM Master/PhD | Quant-curious |
Commitment | 80 hours (per course) | 40 hours (total) |
Delivery | Online | Onsite/online |
Share your journey with hundreds of Marathoners from top institutions worldwide, who chose ARPM for their Advanced Quantitative Program.
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